Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blogging in Class?

If there was ever an environment for today's generation of youth and young adults to feel comfortable giving their opinions on certain issues, the blogsite must be a truly worthy candidate. For every momentous event in history, everyone over the age of five has an opinion and a corresponding philosophy. The blogging environment offers an excellent opportunity for students to lend their ideas on varieties of topics (i.e. school shootings, terrorist attacks, wars and conflicts internationally, government decisions, social movements, well-known books, movies or songs and the latest fashions and trends).
As important as opinions on specific matters are, open-topic prose is also essential for freeing the mind of timidity in writing. Once the student feels comfortable blogging in the class atmosphere, depth and richness of writing is certain to improve.
The evaluation of the blogs should be on a two-to-three point scale. If it would be marked out of two points, then mark one for completing it and one for clearly putting in an effort. If three points are to be used, then have one for completing it, one for effort, and one for distinction as a remarkable blog, by showing depth of argument, clarity of honest effort and the use of descriptive language/detail.

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